


Every Cloud has a Silver Lining
Yes! I did not miss the school during Lockdown.

Ever since I read the idiom, ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’ I have wondered about it, really? Covid – 19 made me not just learn the meaning of it properly, I actually experienced it.
It specially became more meaningful as due to Covid-19 everything had to be shut down – schools, colleges, markets, malls, religious places, parks, restaurants, theatres, play arcades, anything and everything outside of our homes. No social visits, meeting friends or relatives, no celebrations etc. A complete lockdown had been declared. What a dark cloud hung over us, with no silver lining anywhere.
I like going to school, and felt bad during the first few days, and I started getting very bored. I really missed my school life and my friends. Hoping and praying each day that the situation changes. And it did! A circular arrived and said that the school was starting virtual online classes. I was very excited as it was a new thing for me.
We soon started our classes on google meet, which is an app. The teachers would give us the videos where they explained the concepts and the chapters. We could see the videos any number of times. When we came online in the class, we revised the concepts and asked our doubts. I started to enjoy the online classes and think that the online classes are better than the regular ones, and here are the reasons:

- we could finish our work anytime we wanted
- there would be no disturbance as in the regular classes everyone talked with one another
- if someone had any doubts, in regular classes they would scream “MA’AM, MA’AM!”. Here they could be muted
- doubts could be written down in the chat! And everyone benefits
- we got our homework on google classroom. It was very easy to submit. Just scan your homework on CamScanner and submit it.
- we could even view the work subject- wise, see what we were left to do and could see the teacher’s explanation in the video again and again.
- We were all getiing better at technology

My list can go on and on…

There was one thing though, I was missing my friends. So, we all made a group and we did video calling everyday. We talked about our school, what we do everyday, coronavirus etc. There was also a movie making competition in our school. I talked with some of my friends and we decided to make a 10 minute movie on treasure hunting. My first audience, my parents liked it a lot.
Then there was the school canteen food. I am allowed to eat the canteen food every Wednesday and I like it a lot. But how was I to get it now? I told this to my mother. She took up the challenge and said that she could make better food than the canteen. I very much doubted her but her samosas were yummy and even better than the ones in my school.
All my problems were solved and I didn’t miss school anymore. In fact a lot of time and energy was saved due to not travelling to school. My parents guided me to do some more constructive stuff and I did the following:

- doing yoga with my dad in the morning - asanas like chakrasana, padmasana, bhujangasana, konasana to name a few and three breathing exercises which were anulom-vilom, kapalbharti and bhramari
- played a lot of games with my family like Ludo, Snakes and ladders, Scrabble, Life, Cricket, Badminton and Basketball
- caught up with my reading and colouring, I have finished about 15 books.
- working on my gaming skills - have become better – specially Fifa
- instead of watching some random TV, I watched ‘Mahabharat’ and learned a lot
- got enrolled in a month long digital theatre class. We made many solo plays, group plays and read books. Everyday, we got some homework. In the end, Sir gave us some scripts and asked us to send the videos of our dialouges. The final play was very good and I made new friends

So, the lockdown gave me an oppurtunity to try some new activities and spend time with family and according to me, if it stays like this for this whole year, it would be even better. This cloud had a silver lining after all!

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